We not only provide business solutions, but we support you into the road to your business success.


    Comprehensive understanding of the business affairs.


    We anticipate risks, mitigate negative impacts and generate opportunities.


    We guide your decisions and protect your interests.


At Frater we work in a competent, confidential and close way to our clients, taking each assignment with great professionalism, as our commitment is to protect, facilitate and/or guide their business decisions.


Our commitment to our professions is very high; therefore, we are able to guarantee our clients high quality solutions, within a framework of efficiency, confidentiality and professional excellence.

Audit Services

We ensure the reasonableness of financial information with detailed audits, specialized reviews and technical assistance certifications, offering transparency and reliability in every accounting report.

Tax Solutions

We strategically optimize tax obligations through solid preventive advice; we protect your interests in tax audits and defend your assets in tax litigation, seeking to reduce and/or minimize any negative impact.

Legal Solutions

We offer comprehensive legal advice, as our solutions cover all the legal aspects that businesses require, both for complex operations and for day-to-day business transactions.

Accounting Solutions

From the adoption of international Norms to the taking of inventories or the preparation of financial reports, our accounting services ensure accurate accounting and compliance with the highest and most demanding standards.

Transfer Pricing / Valorizations

We enforce compliance with transfer pricing rules, as they have become a key objective in the development of related-party or intra-group transactions. We also add value to your business with our specialists in accurate and timely valorizations.

Organizational Management Solutions

We optimize organizational efficiency with detailed designs and manuals, process mapping and tools for continuous improvement, strengthening the structure and operation of your company.

To be considered and recognized by our clients as their strategic partners in the development and growth of their businesses and ventures.




Professional ethics

Timely and close attention



Frater Alerts and News

A medida que las sociedades evolucionan y se enfrentan a nuevos desafíos y oportunidades, resulta apropiado y hasta natural que las normas que las rigen se adapten a ellos, a fin de que los Estados mantengan el equilibrio que debe existir entre sus gobiernos y sus ciudadanos o gobernados.

A inicios de agosto de este año, el Ejecutivo observó dos autógrafas de ley mediante las cuales el Congreso aprobó dos beneficios tributarios que han generado preocupación en el Ejecutivo puesto que dichos beneficios perjudicarían la recaudación en alrededor de 1,000 millones de soles.

El 02 de agosto de 2024, venció el plazo para que el Ejecutivo promulgue u observe dos autógrafas de ley que el Congreso le envió  aprobó beneficios tributarios, lo que ha generado advertencias de algunos expertos en política fiscal por el perjuicio que generarán en la recaudación.


Don't miss our exclusive publications where we share news, tips and opinions on various topics that reach all business sectors.



    Our guide allows investors to learn about Peru from a financial, legal, tax and governmental perspective, to have a strategic vision of the country for the orientation of private and public-private investments.

    Some of the more than 100 clients served by our professionals: